Ed Dellian / Philosophiae naturalis Bd. 22 Heft 3 (1985) S. 400-405

1. Die Newtonische Konstante (The Newtonian Constant)

For the first time in history this paper shows that Newton's second law has always been misinterpreted as an equality of force and its effect on motion, whereas Isaac Newton explicitly introduced this fundamental law as a quaternary proportion in his famous Principia of 1687. Taking Newton at his word, the author is able to infer that Newton's law implies a hitherto suppressed constant of proportionality, which the author calls "Newton-ian Constant". An investigation of the units, or dimensions of this natural constant (lost when mechanics after Newton changed from a geometric into an arithmetic-algebraic art) brings to light a constant quotient of constant elements of 'space' and 'time' to provide the parameter of the privileged spacetime frame of reference and measure-
ment of Newton's and Galileo's theory of motion. Thus this Newtonian constant decodes this hitherto unknown authentic theory as local and quantized, in full accordance with Newton's words, and in con-trast to the post-Newtonian 'classical mechanics' of d'Alembert, Euler and Lagrange built on the idea of action at a distance, and on the continuum theory of matter. It is clear, then, that Newton's true theory never was infected by these shortcomings, and that it has never been defeated by Einstein or by anyone else. The Newtonian constant, as it works mathe-
matically like the constant c (called the vacuum-velocity of light) of mo-
dern physics, shows the timeless validity of Newton's authentic theory.
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Ed Dellian | Speculations in Science and Technology Vol. 9, Nr. 2, 1986

2. Experimental philosophy reappraised

It seems that the genuine foundations of experimental philosophy, as Isaac Newton called his science, lie still hidden in his widely unread "Principia". An attempt to raise that treasure independently of the paradigms of analytical mechanics is made. This brings to light some hitherto unrecognized potentialities of the ideas of Galileo and Newton.
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Ed Dellian | Atominstitut Wien, 1987

3. Poster "Short demonstration of energy concept E = (mv)c as a desideratum of microphysics", in "Matter Wave Interferometry in the Light of Schrödinger's Wave Mechanics"

Since interpretational questions in quantum mechanics (QM) mostly arise from its presupposed formalism, an attempt to eliminate some contradictions of QM is started on a critical reinterpretation of its basic principles and concepts (as has been strongly claimed by Sir Karl R. Popper since 1983), concerning the notion of energy and its relation to momentum. [...]
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Samuel Clarke | Kröner, 1988

4. "A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God" (Samuel Clarke 1705) in "Lexikon der philosophischen Werke" (F. Volpi und J. Nida-Rümelin Hrsg.), Stuttgart

More Particularly in Answer to Mr. Hobbs, Spinoza, and their Followers. Wherein the Notion of Liberty is Stated, and the Possibility and Certainty of it Proved, in Opposition to Necessity and Fate. Being the Substance of Eight Sermons Preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, in the Year 1704, at the Lecture Founded by the Honorable Robert Boyle Esq. (Engl.; Darlegung des Daseins und der Eigenschaften Gottes), EA London 1705; dt. 1756.
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Ed Dellian | Archives Internat. Hist. Idées Nr.23, Dordrecht (Kluwer), 1988

5. Inertia, the Innate Force of Matter: a Legacy from Newton to Modern Physics, P. B. Scheurer and G. Debrock (eds.), Newton's Scientific and Philosophical Legacy

This paper refers to the hitherto unrecognised mathematical, physical and philosophical differences between Newton's "materiae vis insita" or "vis inertiae", and the concept of "iner-tia" as a quality of matter known in classical mechanics. Newton knows about a real immate-rial "force" which accompanies matter like the soul accompanies living bodies. Conse-quently, I better had given the paper the title "Inertia, the Force Innate in Matter" in order to clearly express Newton's concept. However, the careful reader will certainly understand the paper's intention to show that an abyss separates Newton's "forces" from their materialistic identification with (qualities of) matter, and to show the power of authentic uncorrupted Newtonianism as an explanatory tool to be used in the interpretation of modern physics.
The paper for the first time consistently derives the true measure of Newton's concept of 'motive force', (mv × c), and the dimensions 'element of space L over element of time T' of the newly discovered 'Newtonian Constant' c [L/T], from Newton's Principia (Method of first and last ratios). Even though its English certainly is in need of improvement, it still provides a reliable source for the reader who wants to understand how the author came to reconstruct this concept, and why he believes that in the future it will be accepted as a foundation of the theory of motion and of true natural philosophy much better than everting that exists under this name today.
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Isaac Newton | Philos. Bibliothek Felix Meiner Verlag, 1988

6. Mathematische Grundlagen der Naturphilosophie (Ed Dellian Hrsg.), Hamburg

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Ed Dellian | Speculations in Science and Technology Vol.12, Nr.1, 1989

7. On Cause and Effect in Quantum Physics

The supposition of proportionality between energy () as intrinsic 'cause' and its effect 'momentum', connected by the constant c, leads to some new aspects of the Planck-Einstein-deBroglie equations and Heisenberg's indeterminacy relations which seem to corroborate realism.
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Ed Dellian | Philosophia Naturalis Bd.26, Nr.2, 1989

8. Newton, die Trägheitskraft und die absolute Bewegung

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Samuel Clarke | Philos. Bibliothek Felix Meiner Verlag, 1990

9. Der Briefwechsel mit G.W. Leibniz von 1717/1716 (Ed Dellian Hrsg.), Hamburg
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Ed Dellian | Physics Essays Vol.3, Nr.4, 1990

10. Does Quantum Mechanics Imply the Concept of Impetus?

This paper shows a close correspondence between the quantum mechanical concept of the energy of light and the concept of impetus, as it was used, according to the author, for "cause of uniform straight-lined motion" by Newton (vis inertiae, that is the force of inertial motion, in contrast to mere inertia as a property of matter). Both concepts are identified as causal via the common factor of proportionality c. Since the product "momentum × c" stands for "cause", the terms pc (light) and (mv)c (matter) are seen as true mathematical equivalents of the quantum mechanical concept of energy E = , in contrast to the incompatible squared energy-momentum relation E = mv²/2. The identification of the linear E = and the squared E = mv²/2, upon which Schrödinger's equation is based, is shown to be the reason why the Schrödinger quantum mechanics appears as a noncausal and nonlocal theory of motion.
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Ed Dellian | Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 1992

11. Neues über die Erkenntnistheorie Isaac Newtons

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Ed Dellian | 23. März 1993

12. Newtonische Philosophie und Bewegungslehre; Vortrag auf der V. Physikhistorischen Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Mainz

Sir Isaac Newton's second law of motion in Newton's original Latin reads "Mutationem motus proportionalem esse vi motrici impressae", thus indicating a proportion between "vis motrix impressa", i.e. the force of motion impressed on a body, and "mutatio motus", the change of motion which the body accordingly performs. This proportion is tantamount to saying that the relation of the effected change of motion to the generating force is constant. Newton's second law evidently requires a constant of proportionality which is not known in classical mecha-nics. This "Newtonian constant" interrelates the force of motion (as cause of motion) and the generated change of motion (as effect of the generating force) to represent the physical-mathematical law of causality, "cause : effect = constant". An analysis of Newton's teaching brings the dimensions of that constant to light, showing that the constant is a geometric relat-ion of "element of space" to "element of time" of dimensions [L/T]. With respect to dimen-sions [L/T], the Newtonian constant consequently can be considered as identical with the constant "vacuum velocity of light" c that controls most of modern physics. Once this constant is discovered as a necessary element of Newton's second law, Newton's theory of motion turns out as a most exact foundation of physics. This finding defeats all theories of modern physics that are due to the circumstance that Newton's realistic and true theory of motion erroneously had been identified and dismissed with the defective and unrealistic theory called "classical mechanics".
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Ed Dellian | Münchener Theolog. Zeitschrift, 1993

13. Isaac Newton zum 350. Geburtstag

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Ed Dellian | Münchener Theolog. Zeitschrift, 1995

14. Eine Bemerkung zu Johannes Paul II. Buch: "Die Schwelle der Hoffnung überschreiten"

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Ed Dellian | Philosophia Naturalis Bd.36 Nr.1, 1999

15. Nochmals: Die Newtonische Konstante

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Ed Dellian | Münchener Theolog. Zeitschrift Nr.2, 2000

16. Newton, die Wahrheit und die Rede von Gott, Zur Enzyklika "Fides et Ratio" Papst Johannes Paul II.

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Ed Dellian | 22. März 2003

17. E = mc2 oder die angebliche "Äquivalenz" der angeblich "gleichartigen Dinge" Masse und Energie - Mythos und Legende, Pointe und Verfälschung der Geschichte und der Physik; Vortrag auf der X. Physikhistorischen Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Augsburg

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Ed Dellian | Physics Essays Vol.16, No.2

18. Newton on Mass and Force

The concepts of mass and force, as understood in contemporary physics, mean qualities of matter. The somewhat mysterious quality "mass" is said to appear in two or even three differ-ent ways: inertial mass, active gravitational mass, and passive gravitational mass. Generally Isaac Newton is taught to have first introduced the concept and its different appearing as inertial or gravitational mass into theoretical physics, while Albert Einstein is highly praised for having shown the indiscriminate equivalence of both concepts. A look into Newton's Principia of 1687, however, helps to see that Newton neither understood "mass" as a quality, but rather as only another name for a quantity of matter (which quantity he defined not in words, but mathematically), nor did he ever explicitly or implicitly teach any distinction between an "inertial" and a "gravitational" aspect of matter. So it seems that to rely on Newton's authentic teaching could perhaps not only relativize Einstein's merit as to the simplification of the concept of mass, but also make proof against Jammer's (2000) depressing conclusion "that the notion of mass, although fundamental to physics, is still shrouded in mystery." Accordingly, the paper aims at showing some quite surprising insights into the realm of modern physics - from the Newtonian view on the closely related, but different entities "mass" and "force".
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Ed Dellian | 14.10.1999

19. Isaac Newton über absolute und relative Zeit

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Ed Dellian | 21.09.2002

20. The Realm of Quantum Mechanics in a Nutshell - Awaked from Bad Dreams by Means of Euclidean Geometry

Quantum mechanics (QM), as well as mechanics in general since the time of Isaac Newton, is concerned with motions, and changes of motions of bodies, and with their generating causes, the so-called forces or energies. The scientific aim of mechanics consists in defining motions (or momenta), and the relations to their causes not conceptually, but by means of mathematics in a quantitative manner. The paper lists the mathematical terms for "momentum", and for "energy" which the current theory of QM is based on, bringing to light a mathematical difference between linear and squared energy-momentum relations of consequence for the appear-ance of QM as to indeterminism (true causality) or determinism.
By means of Euclidean proportion theory it is shown how Heisenberg's indeterminacy relati-ons can be derived from a foundation of QM on the indeterministic linear energy-momentum relation (the proportionality of energy and momentum) only. This approach also explains the non-commutativity of QM operators, and yields a QM theory based on only one natural con-stant, c (dimensions space over time).
In considering Schrödinger's approach to wave mechanics, by application of geometric prin-ciples the paper shows how the Schrödinger equation rests on the squared energy-momentum relation (the classical concept of kinetic energy) only. Thus the deterministic feature of wave mechanics is understood, and the non-locality problem solved. Moreover, the way for a unification of QM and special relativity, and for a quantum theory of gravitation is paved.
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Ed Dellian | 2004

21. "Mutationem motus proportionalem esse vi motrici impressae" or: How to Understand Newton's Second Law, After All

Historians of science do know that Newton's second law of motion is not compatible with the F = ma which classical mechanics is based on. The true meaning of Newton's law, however, is controversially discussed. The law's tenor reads: "Mutationem motus proportionalem esse vi motrici impressae, et fieri secundum lineam rectam qua vis illa imprimitur", in English: A change in motion is proportional to the motive force impressed and takes place along the straight line in which that force is impressed. In this paper I provide an analysis which unveils a "Newtonian Constant" of proportionality between the "motive force impressed" and the "change in motion" produced by that force. If we accept this constant with dimensions [L/T] derived from Newton's teaching, we obtain the basis for an authentic "Newtonian mechanics" valid in macrophysics as well as in microphysics that needs no modern improvement whatever.
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Ed Dellian | 2004

22. A Comment on the 1999 Cohen-Whitman Edition of Newton's Principia

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Ed Dellian | 2004

23. Newton Rediscovered - on Absolute Time and Relative Times
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Ed Dellian | 2005

24. Magis Amica Veritas oder Kant überwinden

Denkschrift zur Erneuerung von Bewegungslehre und Naturphilosophie im Geist Galileo Galileis und Isaac Newtons und der päpstlichen Enzyklika "Fides et Ratio".
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Ed Dellian | 2005

25. ...magis amica veritas: Philosophy of Nature - Beyond Relativity and Relativism

On the Conditions of the Possibility of Truth at the Bottom of Albert Einstein's Theory of Motion as a Legacy from Galileo and Newton to Future Science.
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Ed Dellian | 2005

26. On Instantaneous Photonic Tunneling Through Opaque Barriers

A current theoretical explanation of superluminal photonic tunneling wants microwave sig-nals to travel through opaque barriers with superluminal velocities (the faster the longer the barrier).
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Ed Dellian | 2005

27. Albert Einstein and the Concept of Motion...

Albert Einstein and the Concept of Motion: A Proton Pseudos of Modern Physics.
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Ed Dellian | 2005

28. At the 90ieth Anniversary of General Relativity: A Brief Note on the Gravitational Deflection of Light

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Ed Dellian | 2005

29. Breakdown of a Relativist Myth: Mass Never Depended on Velocity

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Ed Dellian | 2007

30. Offener Brief: "Zum Thema Schöpfung und Evolution aus newtonischer Sicht"

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Ed Dellian | 2008

31. Junker/Scherer "Evolution": Zur Kritik eines "kritischen Lehrbuchs"

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Ed Dellian | 2008

32. Zehn Regensburger Thesen zu Glaube und Vernunft mit Einführung und Anmerkungen

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Ed Dellian | 2008

33. Zweiter Offener Brief "zum Thema Schöpfung und Evolution aus newtonischer Sicht"

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Ed Dellian | 2008

34. A Brief Note on David Berlinski's book "Newton's Gift"

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Ed Dellian | 2008

35. Isaac Newton "On the Origin of Species (1713)"

Isaac Newton's "Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica" of 1687 teaches the origination of "mutations" of motion by active "forces of nature". In the second edition (1713) of the "Principia" Newton's editor Roger Cotes (in an "editor's preface") and Newton himself (in a "Scholium generale") embedded the theory in the much broader context of creation of the new, ultimately referring to the Creator. Newton's natural "forces" or "causes" relate to this "First cause", and they are always and only active immaterial principles to activate passive matter. These invisible generating principles can be known by their observable material effects according to "analogy", that is the Euclidean geometric proportion theory which Newton prefers as a mathematical device in the "Principia". Newton's dualist theory of origination of motion is at variance with the evolutionists belief in the activity and omnipotency of matter as a corner-stone of their hypothetical-deductive theory of the origin of species. In short: If Newton was right, Darwin was wrong.
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Ed Dellian | 2009

36. On Metaphysical Principles of a Theocentric Christian Epistemology

Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton unified scientific and religious knowledge under the paradigm of truth. Methodologically they measured by geometric 'analogous' cognition, according to the Euclidean theory of quaternate proportions, quantities of material motion and their non-material transcendent generating causes within a reference system at true rest, spread out between standards of absolute space and absolute time. Proportions, as Plato's Timaios puts it, unite different entities (like cause and effect) with one another through a mediating middle (like time and space), by the power of love. Analogous 'synthetic' cognition allows to determine unknown generating causes from their observable generated effects, in the sense of St. Paul, Rom.1, 19-20. Analogous thinking provides man with the "Weite der Vernunft" (Benedict XVI), i.e. with an expanse of cognition apt to extend scientific research beyond the limits of Aristotelian logic. The "analogy of nature" (Newton, rules of philosophizing) leads to true knowledge of motion, but also of God. As Galileo's and Newton's method aims at absolute motion, it aims at truth, and as it aims at truth, it centres on God. Its basis is a 'theocentric' epistemology implying the central Christian message of man's ability to know about truth, i.e. to know about God.
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Ed Dellian | 2010

37. The Hubble Expansion of the Universe Does Not Take Place / Die Hubble-Expansion des Universums findet nicht statt

Cosmology and astrophysics for nearly 80 years have been asserting the universe to be finite, to have begun with a "Big Bang", and to expand in time. This assertions are based on Edwin Hubble's 1929 "expansion hypothesis". According to Hubble, galaxies should recede from us continually into the distance, and with characteristic different, but always uniform (i.e. time-independent, or invariant) velocities. These velocities v (no matter whether they indicate a real motion of the galaxies or an expansion of space itself, and no matter what their cause might be) should be proportional to the observable, individually different, time-invariant characteristic redshifts z of the radiation spectra of the galaxies...
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Ed Dellian | 2011

38. Das Christentum, die Wissenschaft, die Wahrheit und die Sprache Gottes. Bemerkungen zu Papst Benedikts XVI. Buch 'Jesus von Nazareth, Zweiter Teil'

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Ed Dellian | 2011

39. Newtonian Causality - The Natural Law of Cause and Effect

Newtonian causality, the law of cause and effect, is brought to light as a part of the metaphysics of Newton's theory of motion by scrutinizing Newton's definitions and laws of motion with respect to the true meaning of "force" as "cause". The law of cause and effect is identified in the metaphysical framework of absolute space and absolute time, which framework provides the system of reference and measurement for the causal generation of changes of true motion, or momentum. Moreover Newton's natural law of cause and effect is demonstrated mathematically to be also the most basic principle of modern physics. Thus another metaphysical dimension of true Newtonianism and of modern physics as well is revealed: namely their timeless true correspondence with natural experience, and their intrinsic "re-ligio" as a conditio sine qua non. This condition means the connection of empirical material entities like "momentum" to their transcendent generating causes (forces). As can be shown, it is established both in Newton's theory of motion and in modern physics through a quaternate geometric proportion that demonstrates in a spacetime frame of reference and measurement the relation of generated material effects to their proportional generating non-material causes. Geometric proportion theory consequently proves a true key to nature of overwhelming explanatory power - a key that was already known in antiquity under the name of "tetraktys".
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Ed Dellian | 2012

40. The Language of Nature is Not Algebra

An Essay on the hidden power of geometric proportion theory as a tool of natural science and philosophy.
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Ed Dellian | 2013

41. Über das absolute raumzeitliche Bezugssystem der authentischen galilei-newtonischen Bewegungslehre

als Grundlage des Wirklichkeitsbezugs und Wahrheitsanspruchs naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis.
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Ed Dellian | 2014

42. Newton's mechanics is quantum mechanics

An analysis of Newton’s second law of motion in the Principia (1687/1713) and of Galileo’s view of generation of motion in the case of naturally accelerated motion in the Discorsi 1638) shows that "acceleration" results from an addition of equal increments of uniform straight-line motion, the integer number of which is generated in proportion to the integer number of discrete quanta of "impressed force" and of equal particles of time elapsed. The (Galilean-) Newtonian geometric theory of motion is a quantum theory of motion.
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Ed Dellian | 2014

43. Galileo Galilei: Der Fall Galilei und wir

Galileo Galilei: Der Fall Galilei und wir. Ein Kommentar zu Friedrich Dessauers Plädoyer für eine wahrheitsfähige Naturwissenschaft (Zürich 1943), erschienen als Nachwort zu meiner 2014 als Privatdruck veröffentlichten Festschrift zu Galileis 450. Geburtstag (vergriffen).
Ed Dellian | 2015

44. Galileo Galilei, Discorsi (1638)

die neue Übersetzung aus dem Italienischen und Lateinischen mit umfangreicher Einleitung ist ab 2015 verfügbar in der „philosophischen Bibliothek“ des Verlags Felix Meiner Hamburg (PhB Nr. 678).
Ed Dellian | 2015

45. Unknown Galileo: His Theory of Motion in Space and Time – A Discovery of Great Consequences

On the occasion of the publication of a new German “Discorsi” edition (Hamburg 2015).
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Ed Dellian | 2017

46. Einstein Relativity Disproved

Newtonian solution of the many-body problem by demonstrating the existence of a preferred reference frame at absolute rest allows for the determination of really true motion (relative to absolute rest), thus falsifying the hypothetical foundation of Einstein relativity.
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Ed Dellian | 2018

47. Cosmology: Newtonian Alive - Modern At Bay

Cosmological hypotheses common to old (“classical”) and mo-dern (“relativistic”) theory, undisputed to this day, are shown to fail be-cause they ignore and contradict Newton’s Laws of Motion and the Co-rollary 4 to the laws, deduced from experience. There is no “universal” law of gravitation. Orbits about barycenters of many-body systems are not elliptic but circular. The Solar System is stable (no “chaotic” devolu-tion). There are no “black holes” in the centers of galaxies. There is no “dark matter” and no “expansion of the universe”. There was no “Big Bang”. There is no “spacetime” to be disturbed by physical action (there are no “gravitational waves”), and the “Age of the Universe” remains unknown.
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Ed Dellian | 2023

48. Three Steps Towards a Realistic Foundation of Quantum Mechanics.

1. The current quantummechanical theory, represented by Erwin Schrödinger’s equation, presupposes the classical concept of energy, E = p²/2m. This concept is only a hypothesis. It emerges not from natural experience or experiment but from an idea: to calculate in proportion to the distance covered, that is, as a „path integral“, a moving system‘s theoretically conceived faculty called „work“. But, since a path integral is not a time integral, this calculation does not consider the time of motion of the system. Ignoring this fact entails that when applying Schrödinger’s formalism in some cases there results an apparent timelessness of interactions (instantaneous action at a distance, etc.).

2. The Heisenberg relations presented by Niels Bohr in his 1927 Como lecture show the four basic operators, ‚energy E‘, ‚momentum p‘, ‚time t‘, and ‚space s‘, forming an equation of products (ΔE x Δt = Δp x Δs = h). According to geometric proportion theory, Bohr’s equation can be rearranged as to show a quaternate proportion: ΔE : Δp = Δs : Δt. The implicit proportionality factor here is not h but c (dimensions space over time, [L/T]). The resulting proportion between energy and momentum then is ΔE over Δp = c [L/T], or, more generally: E/p = c, or E = pc. It is a true equivalent to Planck’s energy-frequency proportion, E/f = h = constant, but not to the classical E = p²/2m.

3. In theoretical quantum mechanics the energy concept E/f = h, or E/p = c so far is mostly related to photons. For material particles the concept E = p²/2m is used as an equivalent (photo effect, 1905). This concept, however, can be demonstrated to be incompatible with E/p = c. Now, since the Heisenberg relations can be shown to imply E/p = c for photons and electrons as well, the mistaken concept E = p²/2m can generally be replaced with E = pc. This step removes the disturbing mystical and weird implications of current quantum mechanics, even gives it back the status of a „theory of motion“, which Schrödinger’s equation based exclusively on E = p²/2m is not.
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Ed Dellian | 2023

49. Über den Zusammenbruch der Schrödingergleichung und über die einfache Formulierung einer realistischen Quantenmechanik auf Heisenbergscher Grundlage.

Mit der Verleihung des Nobelpreises für Physik 2022 an den Wiener Experimentalphysiker Anton Zeilinger wird ein Mann geehrt, dessen Leistung darin besteht, gezeigt zu haben: Die merkwürdigen Erscheinungen, die seit bald 100 Jahren aus der Quantenmechanik hergeleitet werden und die Geister verwirren, treten experimentell nachweisbar auf, wenn man bei der Interpretation von Versuchsergebnissen das mathematische Fundament der Quantenmechanik als unangreifbar „richtig“ voraussetzt und zugrunde legt.
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Ed Dellian | 2023

50. Poster „IS REALITY MYSTICAL AND WEIRD“, presented at the Spring Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, 23 March 2023.
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